목록전체 글 (382)
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출처 Lesson 3.4 - Particles and Sound Effects - Unity Learn Overview: This game is looking extremely good, but it’s missing something critical: Sound effects and Particle effects! Sounds and music will breathe life into an otherwise silent game world, and particles will make the player’s actions more dynamic an learn.unity.com 1. 서언 (영상: 링크 참조) Lesson 3.4 - Particles and Sound Effects - Unity Lear..
출처 Lesson 3.3 - Don't Just Stand There - Unity Learn Overview: The game is looking great so far, but the player character is a bit… lifeless. Instead of the character simply sliding across the ground, we’re going to give it animations for running, jumping, and even death! We will also tweak the speed of learn.unity.com 1. 서언 (영상: 링크 참조) Lesson 3.3 - Don't Just Stand There - Unity Learn Overview:..
출처 Lesson 3.2 - Make the World Whiz By - Unity Learn Overview: We’ve got the core mechanics of this game figured out: The player can tap the spacebar to jump over incoming obstacles. However, the player appears to be running for the first few seconds, but then the background just disappears! In order to fi learn.unity.com 1. 서언 (영상: 링크 참조) Lesson 3.2 - Make the World Whiz By - Unity Learn Overvi..
출처 Lesson 3.1 - Jump Force - Unity Learn Overview: The goal of this lesson is to set up the basic gameplay for this prototype. We will start by creating a new project and importing the starter files. Next we will choose a beautiful background and a character for the player to control, and allow t learn.unity.com 1. 서언 (영상: 링크 참조) Lesson 3.1 - Jump Force - Unity Learn Overview: The goal of this l..
출처 Unit 3 - Introduction - Unity Learn An introductory video for Unit 3, where you will learn to implement Animation, Sound, and Particle Effects. learn.unity.com 1. Unit 3 - 소개 (영상: 링크 참조) Unit 3 - Introduction - Unity Learn An introductory video for Unit 3, where you will learn to implement Animation, Sound, and Particle Effects. learn.unity.com 수고하셨습니다!
출처 Mod the Cube - Unity Learn In this exercise, you'll be challenged to modify a provided script to change the behavior of an object it's applied to. learn.unity.com 1. 제공된 에셋을 다운로드하고, 새로운 유니티 프로젝트 안에 추가하기 ● 페이지 상단의 튜토리얼 자료 탭으로 가셔서 ModTheCubeChallengeAssets.zip 파일을 다운로드해주세요. ● 폴더를 압축 해제해주세요! 압축된 파일에는 .Unitypackage 파일이 들어있습니다. 압축 해제를 하지 않으시면, 유니티 프로젝트에 추가가 불가능합니다! ● 최신 LTS 버전의 에디터로 새로운 유니티 프로젝트를 ..
출처 Quiz: Create with Code 1 - Unity Learn This quiz will assess your understanding of the concepts covered in the Create with Code 1 Mission. learn.unity.com 문제 1 아래 코드의 결과를 올바르게 설명한 것은 무엇인가요? public class Enemy : MonoBehaviour { public Transform ground; void Update() { if (transform.position.y < ground.position.y) { Destroy(gameObject); } } } 적(enemy)이 땅(ground) 위로 올라가면, 적(enemy)을 파괴합니다. 적(enem..
출처 Programming Basics: Next Steps) Lesson 6.1 - Project Optimization 출처 Lesson 6.1 - Project Optimization - Unity Learn Overview: In this lesson, you will learn about a variety of different techniques to optimize your projects and make them more performant. You may.. arainablog.tistory.com 1. public public 접근 제어자는 일반적으로 클래스 또는 변수에 접근할 수 있는 범위를 지정해주는 역할을 한다. 유니티라고 특별하게 달라지는 것은 없기 때문에 '일반적으로'라는 표현..