목록전체 글 (382)
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출처 Lab 4 - Basic Gameplay - Unity Learn Overview: In this lab, you will work with all of your non-player objects in order to bring your project to life with its basic gameplay. You will give your projectiles, pickups, or enemies their basic movement and collision detection, make them into prefab learn.unity.com 1. 서언 (영상: 링크 참조) Lab 4 - Basic Gameplay - Unity Learn Overview: In this lab, you wil..
출처 Challenge 4 - Soccer Scripting - Unity Learn Challenge Overview: Use the skills you learned in the Sumo Battle prototype in a completely different context: the soccer field. Just like in the prototype, you will control a ball by rotating the camera around it and applying a forward force, but instead learn.unity.com 1. 서언 (영상: 링크 참조) Challenge 4 - Soccer Scripting - Unity Learn Challenge Overv..
출처 Lesson 4.4 - For-Loops For Waves - Unity Learn Overview: We have all the makings of a great game; A player that rolls around and rotates the camera, a powerup that grants super strength, and an enemy that chases the player until the bitter end. In this lesson we will wrap things up by putting these pie learn.unity.com 1. 서언 (영상: 링크 참조) Lesson 4.4 - For-Loops For Waves - Unity Learn Overview: ..
출처 Lesson 4.3 - PowerUp and CountDown - Unity Learn Overview: The enemy chases the player around the island, but the player needs a better way to defend themselves... especially if we add more enemies. In this lesson, we’re going to create a powerup that gives the player a temporary strength boost, shovin learn.unity.com 1. 서언 (영상: 링크 참조) Lesson 4.3 - PowerUp and CountDown - Unity Learn Overview..
출처 Lesson 4.2 - Follow the Player - Unity Learn Overview: The player can roll around to its heart’s content… but it has no purpose. In this lesson, we fill that purpose by creating an enemy to challenge the player! First we will give the enemy a texture of your choice, then give it the ability to bo learn.unity.com 1. 서언 (영상: 링크 참조) Lesson 4.2 - Follow the Player - Unity Learn Overview: The play..